

Resources Suggested


  • Neuroscientists are very concerned that these developments do not go hand in hand with "neuroethics." Considering the side effects of the treatment methods in the field of neurotechnology, Neuroethics frequently brings up the problems that need to be solved and ethical concerns.

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  • Brainwave Science are committed to use the latest advancements in neuroscience and technology to develop innovative solutions for our clients.

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  • The Neuro Rights Foundation engage the United Nations, regional organizations, national governments, companies, entrepreneurs, investors, scientists, and the public at large to raise awareness about the human rights and ethical implications of neurotechnology.

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  • The big promises and potentially bigger consequences of neurotechnology. In September, Chile became the first state in the world to pass legislation regulating the use of neurotechnology. The ‘neuro-rights’ law aims to protect mental privacy, free will of thought and personal identity.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Artificial intelligence is as revolutionary as mobile phones and the Internet. I knew I had just seen the most important advance in technology since the graphical user interface.

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  • Silicon Valley Robotics is ground zero of the robotics revolution, helping startups get investment and grow into category creating industry leaders. We are a non-profit industry cluster encompassing almost 50% of global investment in robotics, more than 50 robotics research labs and more than 500 robotics startups from seed stage to billion dollar new unicorns.

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  • Drone Response Is A state-of-the-art Drone Management Software specifically designed for emergency response teams. Researchers recognized the obstacles and challenges facing emergency response teams in the adoption of drones which have significant advantages for the safety, efficiency, and speed of emergency responses.

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  • Global partner for future-proof logistic process automation Vanderlande is a market-leading, global partner for future-proof logistic process automation in the warehousing, airports and parcel sectors.

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  • Whatever you’re planning, building, or maintaining, we believe understanding the earth is key. At Fugro, we unlock its secrets in the form of Geo-data, which we apply to develop safer, more sustainable, and more efficient operations. It’s how we help create a safe and liveable world – together.

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  • To empower and inspire you to live a more convenient, connected lifestyle, we design intelligent robotic solutions that seamlessly integrate into your everyday life. Our guiding Vision is advancing robotic technologies to serve the world, to create a holistic ecosystem between human and robotics in lifestyle and production.

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  • XRSI defines the Metaverse as “A network of interconnected virtual worlds with the following key characteristics: Presence, Persistence, Immersion and Interoperability. Metaverse is the next iteration of the internet enabled by several converging technologies such as Extended Reality (XR), Artificial Intelligence(AI), Decentralized Ledger Technologies(DLTs), neuro-technologies, optics, bio-sensing technologies, robotics, improved computer graphics, hardware, and network capabilities.”

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